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How to choose the right aluminum lighting truss

von shizhan am 30.11.2021 04:28

Aluminium lighting truss is a frequently used equipment in various performances and plays a very important role in activities, such as various event sites, advertising, exhibitions, etc. There are aluminum lighting truss in almost places where performances are performed.
Some stages use square tube trusses, and some choose round tube trusses. The needs of each event are different, and the selected aluminum lighting truss or building styles will also be different.
Choosing aluminum aluminum lighting truss is important for its stability and stability, which is very useful for long-term outdoor activities; choosing steel aluminum lighting truss is mainly because of the limited number of uses and the price is cheaper than aluminum trusses. Much.
The good stability of aluminium lighting truss is a prerequisite factor for every organizer to choose aluminum lighting truss products. Not only can it withstand the wind and rain, but also show the whole event perfectly to the audience.
The manufacturer suggests that aluminum lighting truss should be used to build the stage. Lightweight, stable and durable is one of the mainstream directions for stage building.


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