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92, male


Posts: 8

The birth of tragedy

from Richard236 on 08/23/2022 04:00 AM

Since the Apollo impulse is a compulsive impulse to create hallucinations, it has an irrational nature. Some people think that the sun God symbolizes reason, which is a misunderstanding. In fact, Nietzsche criticized Euripides' principle of "understanding and then beauty" in The Birth of Tragedy, accusing him of replacing Apollo's intuition with calm thinking, which has drawn a clear line with this misunderstanding. We should remember that Nietzsche always regarded reason as the power to kill instinct, and condemned the rational philosophy of Socrates and Plato for killing the artistic instinct of the Greeks, including the Dionysian impulse and the Apollo impulse. Dionysus symbolizes the indulgence of emotions. Nietzsche said that the Dionysian state is "the excitement of the whole emotional system" and "the total stimulation and release of emotions" (The Twilight of Idols: The Wanderings of an Untimely Man, Section 10); in the Dionysian state, art dominates people "as a driving force towards indulgence" (The Will to Power, Section 798). However, Dionysian emotion is not a general emotion, but a tragic emotion with metaphysical depth. The symbol of Dionysus comes from the Greek Dionysian cult, in which people break all taboos, get drunk and indulge their sexual desires. Nietzsche believes that this is to pursue an experience of removing the bondage of individualization and returning to the original nature. For the individual, the disintegration of the individual is the highest pain, but this pain removes the source of all pain and achieves the highest joy of integration with the world itself. Therefore, the Dionysian state is a state of madness in which pain and ecstasy are intertwined. Drunkenness is the Dionysian state of everyday life. In art,bottle blowing machine, music is pure Dionysian art. Tragedy and lyric poetry seek the form of the sun God, but in essence, they are also Dionysian art and the expression of the world's ontological emotions. In a word, both Apollo and Dionysus are rooted in the deepest instinct of human beings. The former is the impulse of individual people to affirm themselves through the illusion of appearance, while the latter is the impulse of individual people to deny themselves and return to the world itself. In a sense, the relationship between the two is similar to Freud's life instinct and death instinct, which belong to the field of irrationality. Section 2: Art Metaphysics 2. Metaphysics of Art Nietzsche often talks about "aesthetic metaphysics", "metaphysics of art", "metaphysics of artists" and "art in a deep and broad metaphysical sense", PET blow moulding machine ,Edible oil filling machine, which endows art with metaphysical significance. The metaphysics of art can be expressed by two interrelated propositions: "Only as an aesthetic phenomenon can life and the world appear to have sufficient reasons." (The Birth of Tragedy, Section 24) "Art is the highest mission of life and the original metaphysical activity of life." (Preface to The Birth of Tragedy) The metaphysics of art is based on the fact that life and the world lack metaphysical significance. According to Schopenhauer, the world is a blind will, and life is a phenomenon of this will, both of which are meaningless. He came to a pessimistic conclusion that denied the world and life. Nietzsche admits that the world and life are meaningless, but he is not willing to be pessimistic and world-weary. In order to affirm the world and life, he resorts to art. The metaphysics of art consists of the spirit of Apollo and the spirit of Dionysus. Apollo and Dionysus, as the two saviors of life, appeared on the stage of Nietzsche's aesthetics. The spirit of Apollo teaches people to stay in appearance and not to pursue the truth of the world and life. This involves an important idea of Nietzsche, that is, the opposition between art and truth. Plato has long put forward the idea that art is opposed to truth, but his standpoint is opposite to Nietzsche's. He believes that the world of ideas is the real world and the truth; the real world is only its shadow and imitation; and art is the shadow of the shadow and the imitation of the imitation. So he used truth against art. Nietzsche denies the existence of the world of ideas. He believes that there is only one world, that is, the real world in which we live, which is eternal generation and change. The world is cruel and meaningless to people, so pessimism is the truth. However, truth is not the highest standard of value, and art is more valuable than truth. In order to survive, we need to cover up some terrible truths with artistic "lies". Truth is ugly. We have art, and by it we are not destroyed by truth. (The Will to Power, Section 822) This is the "metaphysical beautification purpose" of art (The Birth of Tragedy, Section 24).
Thus, from the perspective of the spirit of Apollo, the metaphysical significance of art lies in its value to life. Art metaphysics is essentially a kind of value metaphysics. However, this is only one aspect of the metaphysics of art. Metaphysics is to trace back to the source and question the noumenon, but it is contrary to the original meaning of metaphysics if it only stays in the appearance. Therefore, a more important aspect of art metaphysics is the spirit of Dionysus. Section 3: Tragic World View III. Tragic World Outlook The spirit of Apollo indulges in the illusion of appearance and opposes the pursuit of the noumenon, while the spirit of Dionysus wants to get rid of the illusion of appearance and communicate with the noumenon. The former covers the tragic face of life with the veil of beauty, while the latter lifts the veil and looks directly at the tragedy of life. The former teaches people not to give up the joy of life, and the latter teaches people not to avoid the pain of life; The former is infatuated with the moment,liquid bottle filling machine, while the latter yearns for eternity. Compared with the spirit of Apollo, the spirit of Dionysus is more metaphysical and full of tragic color. Once the illusion of appearance is broken, the world and life reveal the terrible truth. How to affirm life again? This is the problem that the Dionysian spirit wants to solve.

Reply Edited on 08/23/2022 04:00 AM.


92, male


Posts: 8

Pouring the city to protect love

from Richard236 on 08/23/2022 03:59 AM

King Jinsheng looked at the very thin and tired brocade spirit embroidery, a soft tone, "Xiuer, you are too tired.". Let's talk about it another day. You go back to rest first! I asked the imperial physician to send you some tonic to nourish your body. Jin Lingxiu could not say anything more, so he had to promise to leave with Gong Qianyi. King Jinsheng looked at the two men holding hands tightly. After all, he felt sorry for his daughter. Most of the anger in his heart disappeared. He sighed and told Gong Qianyi, "Gong Xiang has been ill for a long time. Let them send some supplements to take good care of him.". There are so many affairs in the court that I can't stand it without you. You must get better quickly and share my worries! After a pause, he added, "The princess is naughty, but you can listen to her. You can discipline her well for me." Embroidery has always been self-indulgent, I'm afraid it still needs to be slowly enlightened, he is also happy in front of her to Gong Qianyi better. Gong Qianyi knelt down to thank Shengen. He waved his hand and left with his hands behind his back. Daughter has grown up, her wings have opened, and she can't control it. Turn against each other In the beautiful moonlight, Gong Qianyi and Jin Lingxiu walked hand in hand on the high palace wall, no one spoke, quietly enjoying the moonlight. The corridor on the palace wall seemed to be endless, and both of them hoped to go on forever. Hearing what she had just said, Gong Chien felt like he was in a dream. It turned out that he was so important in her heart. Is such happiness real? He clenched her hand a little more quietly, and his heart was filled with great satisfaction and joy. Quiet and peaceful, Jin Lingxiu looked at him crazily, and his handsome and elegant side face was covered with a light moonlight,water bottle packaging machine, which made him more beautiful. She only felt that all the men in the world added up to less than one of her fingers. Although she was only holding his long and soft hand at the moment, it made her heart beat wildly. She was stunned for a moment and suddenly smiled, "Brother, do you remember when I met you here to enjoy the moon when I was 10 years old? I praised you for being more beautiful than the moon. How did you answer me at that time?" Gong Qianyi scratched his head and said honestly, "How did you answer?" He really can't remember. She sulked and said with a serious and cold face, "How dare I compete with the bright moon for the light of fireflies?" Then he laughed. He suddenly said, "Well, you make fun of me!" Laugh, too. Tickle her. She smiled coquettishly and begged for mercy. "Good brother,plastic bottle making machine, spare Brocade!" Seeing her smiling and charming in the moonlight, he hugged her with a smile and kissed her on the cheek. "I'm not talking nonsense!"! Brocade is the only one in the world who can compete with the beauty of the bright moon. But it's hard for you to remember such a little thing. "Brother, you look so good when you smile!" She looked at him crazily. "I remember everything you said!" From the first time she saw this gentle and handsome young man when she was 9 years old, she knew that he was different from others to her. His eyes sparkled, hugging her slender waist tightly, close to his own body, he lowered his head against her forehead, so that the breath of two people tightly intertwined, "then, you must remember what I said now.." Looking at her, his clear eyes are more gentle than the moonlight, "I actually." All the time It's all very.. "Let her go!" An angry rebuke came, brocade spirit embroidery was instantly pulled into a familiar embrace. In the moonlight, the travel-stained Huang stood in the cold backlight, his expression was indistinguishable, water bottling line ,CSD filling line, and his whole body was full of solemn air. The air around him became cold and seeping in an instant. Express the cold.. She looked at Huang Shu's cold face and turned away from his arms. No, he must have come to get even with her. Had it not been for Gong Chien's presence here, she would have run away. Gong Qianyi had gone over to protect her behind him, bent down and saluted, "Your Highness." Huang Shuhan tightened his eyebrows, nodded slightly, and his tone was slightly sarcastic. "It seems that Gong Xiang's illness has all been cured.".
That's very gratifying! His deep eyes have been staring at the brocade embroidery behind him, "Xiuer, I have come so far, don't you greet me?" Jin Lingxiu slightly poked her head out from behind Gong Qianyi and said timidly, "Yhan, the wound on your body." Uh Is it all right? Huang Shuhan looked at me coldly and said with a smile, "Do you still care about me?"? I thought you only had eyes for someone! Gong Qianyi frowned slightly. She threw caution to the wind and jumped out and said loudly, "I'm sorry.". I know it was wrong of me to run away when you were hurt! It's my fault to lie to you to get the Dragon Ball! Anyway, already so, express cold, want to kill want to cut, you a word, say?! Huang's icy face showed a touch of sadness. "Really?" He turned slightly sideways to hide the pain in his eyes, his body was stagnant, and his movements, which had always been calm and elegant, stiffened. Express the cold.. Jin Lingxiu could not bear it, and she was trying to comfort him. Gong Qianyi has said softly, "Your Highness, although the princess is wrong this time, but she also feels very sorry for you, is very worried about you.". I have never seen a princess so guilty and afraid to see a person. It was the first time in Jinlingxiu that he was afraid to hide. "Well, when will it be your turn to butt in between us?" Huang Shuhan stretched out his hand to her and said, "Xiuer, come here!" He stood in the backlight, unable to see his face clearly. Jin Lingxiu hesitated for a long time, feeling that his fierce momentum had come, and then came to him and asked, "Why did you come so soon?" His face, which was usually in high spirits, was very haggard, and it seemed that he had suffered a lot of internal injuries. She was ashamed that he had done this for her, and she had left him and run away. Huang Shuhan's expression was so lonely that he could not hide it. As soon as he woke up and saw that she was not there, he had a bad feeling. Sure enough, he immediately came to look for her, but is running into her and the man's tenderness, Xiuer, is that how you treat me? He took her hand, calmed down, or restrained his soft voice, "Xiuer, do you want me to kill the dragon for him?" She stood stiffly for a long time, but nodded gently. His back stiffened, and his voice,Vegetable oil filling machine, which had always been calm, became hoarse. "Did you leave me for him when I was seriously ill?" She was shocked by his unusual gentleness, but she nodded slightly with a deep sense of guilt.

Reply Edited on 08/23/2022 03:59 AM.


92, male


Posts: 8

Chief Medical Officer

from Richard236 on 08/23/2022 03:59 AM

Chief Medical OfficerAs soon as Wang Rongbiao saw Jia Renliang's appearance, he knew that Ge Shirong had probably thought of countermeasures. He rubbed his hands and said 12539. : "I'm not in a hurry. I can't help it. This new county magistrate is too tricky. He can go wherever he has something to do. He can catch one accurately. As soon as Mao Bude's case was cleared up, he went into Makui Mountain again.". If it goes on like this, we'll all have to go in. "Kao!" Ge Shirong spoke with displeasure. He was not satisfied with Wang Rongbiao's frustrated words. What do you mean we all have to go in? Even if he had gone in, I wouldn't have gone in! But what Wang Rongbiao said, or let Ge Shirong some worry, when the boy just took office, Jia Renliang this dog-headed strategist suggested to do a few things, mercilessly brake the other side's spirit, this plan was stopped by himself. Who would have thought that Ceng Yi that boy is still excited, through the matter has got rid of his two generals. Even if Mao Bude, anyway, the Education Bureau has no power, not to mention any oil and water, but today Ma Kuishan also had an accident, Ge Shirong can no longer wait for death. Longwo township is their own basic plate, inside a lot of shady once see the light, oneself also finished, is to sacrifice a Mao Bude, also can't let Ceng Yi hand into Longwo township. This is Ge Shirong's core interest and must not be violated. You go back! Ge Shirong opened his mouth and said to Wang Rongbiao, "Be honest with me recently. If you make any more mistakes, I'll be the first to punish you!" Wang Rongbiao nodded hurriedly and said, "Don't worry, County Magistrate Ge. I won't do anything after I go back. I'll just watch them and never let them cause any more trouble." From this sentence,water filling machine, Wang Rongbiao knew that the matter of Ma Kuishan would never involve himself. He knew that Ge Shirong must have a way to solve this matter, but he did not go to inquire about it. Anyway, as long as it did not involve himself, Wang Rongbiao left politely. Ge Shirong sat on the sofa and pondered for a moment. Finally he sighed and said, "Old Jia, go back, too!" Jia Renliang stood up and said, "County Magistrate Ge, don't be in chaos. Let yourself be in chaos." With that,juice filling machine, Jia Renliang took a splayed step and went out of the door. Director Bao, is there a secretary named Liu Xiang in the secretarial section? At work, Zeng Yi called Bao Qifan over and asked. Bao Qifan a little sluggish, a little understand Ceng Yi's meaning, this is to determine the candidate for the secretary of the county magistrate, the secretary section does have a name Liu Xiang assigned to the county government office for several years, now even a deputy director of the section has not been evaluated, because this Liu Xiang temper is too straight, often talk nonsense, criticize the current situation, provoke other people often to complain, it can be imagined. This kind of person is no leader willing to like, so he is responsible for proofreading the manuscript in the secretarial school and looking for typos. How could the county magistrate Zeng take a fancy to him? Bao Qifan was a little surprised. When he handed over the information to the county magistrate Zeng, he also deliberately put a few more lively and useful officers in front of him, and made a mark. How did the county magistrate Zeng finally choose Liu Xiang? "County magistrate, there is a secretary named Liu Xiang!" Bao Qifan hesitated, Blowing Filling Capping combiblock ,PET blowing machine, since he was appointed by the county magistrate, of course, he could not say much, but if he did not say it, he seemed incompetent and not loyal enough, so he hesitated and hesitated. If you have anything to say, just say it! Zeng Yi said. I still know Liu Xiang. He is from Fengqing County. He graduated from a famous university and was brought back by the county government as a talented person. He is really a little talented, but he can't control his mouth. If he doesn't like it, he will speak out directly. Bao Qifan simply made it clear and said, "To tell you the truth, he is not very suitable for working in an office. Maybe it is more suitable for him to be a reporter in a newspaper office." Zeng Yi smiled and said, "Director Bao's statement is very interesting, and he has a way of looking at people." Bao Qifan said, "The main thing is that I have been in contact for several years, and I will say whatever I have." Ceng Yi thought for a moment and said, "Let him have a try outside first. If it doesn't work, I'll transfer him to the county newspaper office to exercise according to what you said." Bao Qifan could not say anything more and said, "OK, I'll go to find him later and explain to him carefully.".
" Out of the door, Bao Qifan is also secretly this Liu Xiang good luck, who do not want the head of the matter, but now has been the county magistrate to take a fancy to, if done well, then in the future can be a magnificent secretary of the county magistrate, say a word may be more useful than their own office director. Ceng Yi chose this Liu Xiang, not on a whim before he read all the information, have noticed this Liu Xiang, Liu Xiang is not welcome, this is also a big advantage, shows that he has no mistakes in the county complex root, with all the forces are not very close to the bottom details at least clean and innocent, this is the most important. The situation in Fengqing County is now complex, in case of picking the wrong person, then their every move, can not hide from others, there is an insider tip off, they can not do anything. Moreover, Ceng Yi learned from Han Guisheng that the person who helped deliver the report was Liu Xiang. Ceng Yi appreciated Liu Xiang's courage and sense of justice. As for other aspects, Ceng Yi felt that they could be changed by pointing out. Take Zeng Yi for example, he used to be a wandering herbalist. When he met with injustice, he had to take care of it. Even if he didn't agree with each other, he could draw his fists against each other. But now, who dares to say that Zeng Yi is a rookie in officialdom? Half an hour later, Bao Qifan led a young man of twenty-eight or twenty-nine years old to come in. It was estimated that he was Liu Xiang. He was a graduate of a famous university. He was very gentle and dressed simply, but very clean and refreshing. Ceng Yi's first impression of Liu Xiang was not bad. He said, "I lack an assistant here. Xiao Liu, you are responsible for it for the time being. Director Bao will explain the specific things to you." Liu Xiang said: "County Magistrate, Director Bao has told me, I will work hard to do your service work!" " Ceng Yi nods, it seems that this Liu Xiang has sat on the bench these years, or some reflection and change, at least the kind of arrogance of the great talent is much less. If there is nothing else, I will go out first. Liu Xiang asked for instructions,PET bottle Mold, saw that the water in Zeng Yi's cup was not enough, immediately filled it up, and then politely retreated.

Reply Edited on 08/23/2022 03:59 AM.


92, male


Posts: 8

Moulin Rouge

from Richard236 on 08/23/2022 03:58 AM

Moulin RougeHe was awakened by the sound of car horns. The day is already bright. A bright sunny day. The parking lot is almost full of cars. A pair of lovers in the city got out of the car, and under the guidance of a girl, the formation was loose and everyone walked to the village. He was even more confused and followed, wanting to see what was going on. Lagerstroemia Village is no longer the old appearance of thirty years ago, nine out of ten houses are new, the village road has been widened, and paved with cement square bricks. The outsiders followed the girl outside an old house. The old house was also renovated. On the door was a black plaque. The white characters on the plaque read, "The place where the murder took place.". The girl began to explain: "Ladies and gentlemen, leaders, tourists,Beverage packing machine, crape myrtle village people wholeheartedly welcome you!"! Here It was the scene where Xiaoqin killed the Liu couple and the village head 30 years ago. There are clay figures that reproduce the tragic and horrible situation of that year. Please follow me in and listen to me in detail. So the people went in after her. Brother Zhuo, who is only forty-eight years old, didn't go in alone. He looked up at the black plaque, and the scenes of thirty years ago emerged in front of him. My chest was like a big lump of hemp glue,liquid bottle filling machine, and I felt out of breath. A moment later, a timid woman rushed out and shouted, "It's too scary!"! It's too scary ! It's like the real thing. Blood flowed all over the bed, and two heads fell to the ground. However, he saw that they were really afraid, but they also got some real satisfaction from their real fear. Another moment, everyone came out. As the descendant girl of the crape myrtle village continued to walk to the village, she soon came to another old house. There is also a black plaque hanging on the door, water filling machine ,juice filling machine, and the white characters on the plaque are- "The fourth human life belongs to the shade".. That girl explains like a family treasure again: "Everybody, here is the director of security in those days..." Brother Zhuo turned and walked away. In the ruins of the Moulin Rouge, pairs of young people in the city knelt down and wiped their foreheads with red earth. On both sides of the crape myrtle river, the hawkers' cries were louder and louder. Suddenly, all the young people in the city who were kneeling down ran to the crape myrtle bridge. He heard them ask and answer as they ran: "Is the calculation accurate?"? Is the calculation accurate? ?" "Pretty accurate.". It's the grandson of the man who told the Liu couple's fortune! Whether it is accurate or not, it is also interesting to play! It's not expensive It's only ten yuan for a hexagram! In the big closed "warehouse" with only a door, it turned out to be Xiaoqin's grave. And the broken tablet in front of the Moulin Rouge. Another girl from Ziwei Village explained to another group of people like a family treasure: "Ladies and gentlemen, although this grave is small, this is the place where Brother Zhuo buried Xiaoqin himself before he was handcuffed!"! His true love for Xiaoqin You can imagine! This tablet was broken by brother Zhuo with a sledgehammer. Who may want to ask, why not set up a grave sign? I can't, man in town. 。 Xiaoqin, after all, she was the culprit who killed four people! We Ziwei villagers are still talking about this principle. Why did you build such a building to seal her grave? I'm afraid she's still alive. Sneak out to bewitch people and then harm them! To tell you the truth We have to close the door and lock it every night! This is not superstition, this is to promote a ghost culture! "" Brother Zhuo tried to squeeze in and kowtow to Xiaoqin, but was stopped by a young man in a security uniform. Tickets! He doesn't have a ticket. He had to stand outside and watch the others go in and out after their tickets had been checked. Everyone who came out looked solemn and could not guess what they were thinking. Brother Zhuo followed the people and stepped up the stone steps involuntarily. On the crape myrtle hill, in front of the crape myrtle nunnery, there are also cards and tickets. When he saw an old nun coming out, he hurried forward and bowed deeply. "Lady Bodhisattva," he pleaded, "please. I don't have enough money to buy a ticket. Please burn a stick of incense for me and pray in the nunnery." As his eyes met, the old nun immediately lowered his head, put his palm on his chest, and politely returned the salute, saying, "I don't know what the benefactor is praying for." He said,Blowing Filling Capping combiblock, "Pray that Xiaoqin of that year will not wait for her brother Zhuo in the underworld. Let's reincarnate early." "Don't worry, benefactor," said Lao Ni. This is what I can do. 。

Reply Edited on 08/23/2022 03:59 AM.


92, male


Posts: 8

Childe: marry

from Richard236 on 08/23/2022 03:58 AM

Shuang'er ordered the woman to prepare hot water and hurried forward to take off her clothes for Ji Shu. Fortunately, there was a layer of small clothes inside, otherwise the delicate skin and flesh of this body would suffer. Ji Shu took off the sour clothes, the body is still a smell, the mood is more and more bad, think of the bloody scene in the daytime is cold all over the body, she has not seen unclean scenes in the mansion for a long time, but this scene really makes her unbearable, I do not know what evil those people are in? Shuang'er didn't see the scene. Naturally, he didn't have a knot in his heart. All he could think about was the disgusting appearance of Jinse. "Miss, you don't know that Jinse just winked at the childe all the way. He was not a law-abiding person at first sight. The two childe didn't know if they would misunderstand that she was a member of our Ji family, so that the improper style would fall into the face of our Ji family in vain." When Ji Shu heard this, she thought of the two young men she met today. They were raised by an aristocratic family. Although the young man with excellent archery skills was low-key and introverted, his words and deeds could not hide the demeanor of the emperor's family. When he saw that he was used to killing and cutting, he must be born in an aristocratic family and then pushed up. He was determined not to be underestimated. I looked at Jinse as a white-eyed wolf. When you fainted, she didn't even come to see you. She didn't care about your life-saving grace at all. I think she had ulterior motives to follow you. Miss, why did you keep her? In a few words, the woman outside had brought hot water. Ji Shu has been in the back house for a long time, and Jinse has seen a lot of people like this, but he just wants to take advantage of beauty to seek a lifetime of wealth and honor, and now suddenly there are two people in the dragon and phoenix, how can he not be jealous? But she didn't take it to heart, after all, there is no comparability, Jinse this kind of origin can not let her have a sense of threat, "needless to say,ultrasonic welding transducer, she is how I see in the eyes, but is a poor person, some careful machine just, let her go." "But young lady, her mind is not pure, it is clear that she wants to seduce people, you do not know, she is still today." And stole your thunder. I don't know what will happen if I don't get rid of you. Ji Shu smiled, and her words were full of your daughter's confidence. "Do you think someone else's son is stupid?"? With people like them, climbing up like this, I'm afraid I don't know how many people I've met. They just see through it and don't say it. Let her do it. Sooner or later, they'll make a fool of themselves. Such people are easy to control, and it's not all bad to keep them.. Red flowers always need green leaves, Ultrasonic nano dispersion ,ultrasonic cutting machine, otherwise how can they stand out when spring is good? Shuang Er followed Ji Shu for so long, Wen Yan instantly understood, "Shuang Er is dull, or young lady is smart, this person is too high heart, both have the heart of climbing the dragon and attaching the phoenix, also do not think about whether they have such a life?" With sarcasm on her lips, she picked up the rags and threw them out, her eyes full of disdain. Flowers bloom at both ends, each with a branch. As soon as Jinse entered the house, there were already several little monsters squatting in the house. When she came in, she came forward to rub her shoulders and press her legs, and her face was full of flattery. The little monkey demon staggered with a basin of hot water and put it in front of her with great difficulty. "Girl, you are tired. The little demon has prepared hot water for you." Jinse was obviously very satisfied. She reached for the clean cloth and dipped it into the copper basin. The clear and clean water overflowed her fine white catkin. The temperature was moderate, and it was just right that it was not cold or hot. When the little monkey demon saw that she was in a good mood, he quickly squatted aside and began to flatter her. "The girl is really mighty today. She tore up those mortals in a different way. It really makes the little demons admire her very much!" "That is, that is," all the little demons worshipped very much, squatting in rows with starry eyes. Jinse listened too much and then lost interest. He twisted a clean cloth and covered it on the delicate powder. As soon as he fell down on the couch, the hot air on the cloth rose into a white mist and slowly rose up, making his face very comfortable.
Seeing that she was not interested, the little monkey demon quickly racked his brains to think about it. Thinking that the girl had looked at the mortal several times today, it was obvious that he was interested in the mortal thing. He hurriedly leaned forward and said, "This paper-fragile mortal doesn't want to be born so good-looking. That face is really wonderful. It matches the girl very well." The tone was hoarse and gloomy, and no matter how sincere it was, it did not sound like praise, but it still caused the little monsters to sigh with emotion and fear. They like to run in the mortal world, and they have seen a lot, but such a best product is rare. As the saying goes, no one is perfect. Those who have a pleasing appearance are not so good at bearing. Those who have a good bearing are not necessarily good at archery. Take these arrows today for example. They may not be able to escape even if they are put on them. How can they not be afraid of them? Jinse Wen Yan took down the clean cloth covering his face and threw it in the copper basin. The cloth splashed a little water on the surface of the water, causing several little monsters to shake slightly. She took one look at the little monsters squatting in the room and asked slowly, "Do you like that mortal skin?" The little monsters were shining in their eyes, thinking that she was going to peel them and give them to them. They were very excited for a moment. "Like it!"! The demon world has never looked so good. I like it very much. Jinse's white and clean skin showed a trace of innocent and cruel smile. "It's okay to want it. Unfortunately, the skin of mortals is not easy to preserve. I'm afraid it will rot in a few days. It's not as good as that of immortals. I think it can only be worn for a day or two. It's not easy to clean up the rotten body. I'm afraid I have to peel off my own skin to clean it." Such an expression of serious thinking frightened a few hairy little demons to shake their hair and squeeze into a ball shakily. "Girl, it's better to have the skin of immortals. This skin of mortals is too troublesome. The little ones don't want it." The brocade harp listens to the words to chuckle out loud, but did not tease the little monsters again, leaning on the couch seemed to fall into thinking. How can a mortal have such a keen sense, which is not far behind her. She suddenly smiled and her eyes were slightly curved, which seemed to be very interesting. After a night's rest, everyone got up early, but most of them didn't have a good rest. After all, how could they not have nightmares yesterday? Some even couldn't sleep all night. They didn't have any spirit when they got up early in the morning, but they didn't want to stay here. Jinse was served comfortably by the little monster yesterday,ultrasonic generator driver, and had a sweet sleep. After getting up, she was in a good mood. Ge Hua found the shopkeeper's wife to call them, presumably intending to travel with them.

Reply Edited on 08/23/2022 03:58 AM.


92, male


Posts: 8

I might die if I don't pretend.

from Richard236 on 08/23/2022 03:57 AM

However, Jiang Ruosong soon felt that there was something wrong with the atmosphere on the other side of the phone, otherwise why had it been so long, and he still didn't hear another answer from Qian? What Jiang Ruosong did not know was that Qian was about to answer, but Mu Xingyuan had already taken Qian's mobile phone directly, and before he spoke, he did not forget to take the barefoot money back to bed, and then picked up his mobile phone and said: "Jiang Ruosong, didn't anyone tell you not to call anyone at night?" The tone was full of displeasure. ...... Mu, Mu Xingyuan? Jiang Ruosong had already recognized Mu Xingyuan's voice, and as to why Mu Xingyuan appeared here, Jiang Ruosong only thought for three seconds, and then suddenly realized, he asked cautiously: "Am I disturbing you?" Mu Xingyuan asked with a sneer, "What do you think?" Jiang Ruosong begged for mercy: "Brother-in-law, I was wrong, you continue, you continue." Mu Xingyuan's tone is still cold: "It has been interrupted, how can we continue?" Jiang Ruosong was so anxious that he almost cried out: "Just continue it reluctantly, or you can continue!" Money covered her face again, and she got up to stop the meaningless conversation between the two men, took the phone directly,ultrasonic spray nozzle, and asked Jiang Ruosong: "When will Anrong be discharged?" At this time to hear the voice of money, Jiang Ruosong was moved to cry out, he felt for the first time, his sister's voice actually sounded so beautiful. Jiang Ruosong quickly replied, "You can leave the Institute tomorrow morning." Qian Youyi suggested, "We happen to be in B city, so we can pick up Anrong." "That would be great!" Jiang Ruosong of course felt that this was the best, but he soon remembered that Mu Xingyuan was also with Qian at this time,ultrasonic dispersion machine, and he asked again: "What does the brother-in-law think?" Mu Xingyuan said: "As long as you don't call again tonight, I have no opinion." Now that the next day to pick up Anrong discharge, plus the time is not early, even without the disturbance of Jiang Ruosong, money or one or refused someone to continue to indulge in sex. Originally, Mu Xingyuan wanted to go to the Institute with Qian Youyi, but Qian Youyi refused. He and Mu Xingyuan were not conjoined twins, so why should they be together all the time? Besides, as far as she knew, Mu Xingyuan still had a lot of things to deal with. Hearing Qian Youyi say so, Mu Xingyuan had to send the black-clad bodyguard beside him to drive Qian Youyi to the Institute. When Qian Yiyi came to the Institute, he finally saw Anrong, whom he had not seen for a long time. Anrong is thinner than when he left, but his complexion is much better. Dr. Tian is very happy to say that as long as he pays attention to diet and rest, Anrong's body function will soon return to its previous state. With Dr. Tian's words, ultrasonic molten metal ,ultrasonic sonochemistry machine, Qian Youyi's task progress has reached 95%, which means that she only needs 5% to complete the task of the world. Qian Yiyi felt a little strange. In the book, Anrong's final outcome is to die of leukemia, now Anrong's disease has been cured, her paintings have been sold at a high price of five million, is there anything that has not been solved? Qian felt a little strange again, but her face was still smiling happily. She put Anrong's things on the bus. When she got on the bus, she accidentally saw a figure. That man.. The figure flashed by outside the door of the Institute, and Qian felt that the man looked familiar, and that it seemed to be Anrong's brother? What's he doing here? Money again had a bad feeling in her heart, and she thought about it and said to Jiang Ruosong: "Wakamatsu, I'll drive your car, and you and Anrong will take my car." Jiang Ruosong wondered why Qian Youyi had arranged this, but Qian Youyi insisted on it, even letting them go to the hotel first, and then he arrived. Watching Anrong and Jiang Ruosong leave, Qian Youyi also started Jiang Ruosong's car.
As Qian Youyi guessed, after she left the Institute, there was a car following her, no matter whether she was fast or turning, the car followed her closely. Qian Youyi simply did not go back to the hotel, but went straight to the suburbs. On an abandoned road where no cars passed, the money stopped again. And the car behind her also stopped, or looked around no one, a figure with a sharp knife out of the car, he was thinking about how to open the door, the money in the car has opened the door. Why are you? When he saw Qian Youyi, Anrong's brother opened his eyes wide and asked in disbelief. Who are you looking for? Anrong? The money said unhurriedly, pointing out the purpose of the other party directly. Anrong's brother saw the news of Anrong, and after learning that Anrong's paintings were worth so much money, he had some other thoughts. If Anrong dies in an accident, then as the only relative of Anrong, he can inherit all of Anrong, including which paintings. This plan was originally seamless, he squatted outside the Institute for a long time, waiting for the opportunity to start, but who would have thought that he thought he finally had the perfect opportunity, who knew that the person on the bus was Qian Youyi. Who is the money again, that is Mu Xingyuan's woman, oneself absolutely can not afford to provoke the person. Thinking of this, the knife in his hand trembled slightly, and Qian continued with a smile: "What would you do if Mu Xingyuan knew that you dared to hurt me?" As soon as Qian Youyi finished this sentence, several black cars had already arrived here, and the black-clad bodyguards who got out of the car quickly surrounded him. His face was pale, and he knew that he was really finished. The black-clad bodyguard, who had been taken away by Qian Youyi, hurried to Qian Youyi and asked: "Miss Jiang, are you all right?" After knowing Qian Youyi's plan,ultrasonic dispersing machine, he was almost frightened by Qian Youyi. Fortunately, Qian Youyi is all right now. They also caught the man who wanted to murder his own sister. With his criminal record, it is estimated that he will not be able to get out in ten or twenty years.

Reply Edited on 08/23/2022 03:57 AM.


92, male


Posts: 8

Changshengjie (Jingxiao)

from Richard236 on 08/23/2022 03:57 AM

If someone else, a long time of practice can not break through this great realm, may be depressed and disappointed, but Xiao Chen's sense is very keen, although it can not break into the realm of knowledge. But he still felt the improvement of cultivation, which was purely spiritual and physical, and no longer focused on strength. This not only does not make him depressed, but also makes him happy. What is more exciting than the sublimation and evolution of spirit and body? This is the only way to change, only the accumulation of quantity. The potential change of quality will truly break into the realm of knowledge. Constant sublimation of the Nine Heavens peak master, so enough for him to stand in the forest of young masters in the southern wilderness, and is a limited number of good trees on the top! After a short rest in the barren forest, after a few hours, Xiao Chen found Ke, who was sleeping soundly with a lot of essence of heaven and earth in his arms. It has to be said that the snow-white beast is so spiritual that it is hard to escape its eyes when it accumulates the essence of heaven and earth. The huge southern wilderness is simply a cornucopia for it. This is a scene that makes God jealous, bursts of colorful light flashing constantly, that makes people drool Zijin Ginseng King, colorful Shenzhi, Jinxianlan fruit will soon drown Ke. The fragrance is refreshing,ultrasonic cutting machine, and it is as quiet as a sleeping child. Later, Xiao Chen spent a few hours to find the scarred little stubborn dragon. To make the Dragon King of the Nine Heavens suffer such a trauma, you can imagine what kind of fierce battle it has experienced. However, Xiao Chen was also relieved to know that there was no fierce beast in the nearby mountains that could absolutely kill the little stubborn dragon. Zhuge Liang once gave him a map of the desolation around Tiandi City, and many forbidden places were painted with warning symbols of red crosses. This is the little stubborn dragon training plan formulated by the fat man Zhuge Liang, which is completely a deadly battle in the wild. Instead of being confined to the Colosseum. I have to say that this fat man has a good eye for fighting animals and knows how to maximize their potential. Zhuge Fatty believes that the little stubborn dragon is different from the ordinary fighting beast,Ultrasonic emulsifier machines, and only in this way can it really help its continuous transformation. After a day's rest. Xiao Chen flew back to the Tiandi City with Ke and the little stubborn dragon. The house has been turned over, and it has obviously been visited. Xiao Chen thought it was mostly Hoffman and Zhuge Kun. Yes, it was the two men's henchmen who did it. The two scum were almost suffocated to death by Xiao Chen for more than ten days. They could not find out a few older cousins from the family, but found that Xiao Chen had disappeared. Xiao Chen did not care, with Ke and small stubborn dragon swaggering out, but found that there seems to be something happening in the city of heaven. There were so few practitioners that they couldn't even clean up Hoffman and Zhuge Kun, and they disappeared. After inquiring, I learned that a sensational news came from the depths of the Southern Wilderness that someone had found a relic of the Tianshen Palace, and that there were two young sacred beasts wandering there. In the ten years of the vast southern wilderness, only two or three sacred beasts could be found, but this time two of them appeared at once. And it is the most precious one that can be safely raised as a young sacred animal. This is definitely a sensational news, plus there are even the remains of the Tenjin Palace. It's even more shocking. Can the young holy beasts wandering in the ruins of Tenjin Palace be compared with ordinary holy beasts? Maybe their ancestors are related to the gods, or maybe they are the so-called gods. The so-called ancient gods on the earth are not necessarily human gods, ultrasonic metal welding ,ultrasonic spray nozzle, as long as they are strong enough to make ordinary immortals tremble, they are rare holy beasts with noble blood, even the essence of vegetation can be called that. If that's the case, the two young holy beasts are definitely the most powerful ones among the holy beasts. Legend has it that there are several species that can stand up to the dragons! At the beginning, Ke was once regarded as one of the cubs of those races by a true monk. If the two young sacred beasts are really such a race, if they can be subdued, it is really unimaginable in the future. The strongest race, just thinking about it makes people's blood boil. Many big forces in the southern wilderness have taken action, some old masters can't sit still, and many young children have followed the masters in the family. There are also many masters from other places who have come to participate in the beast fighting contest, and they have also gone to the millions of mountains in the depths of the southern wilderness. There is no doubt that many people will die for this, and perhaps blood will stain the barren hills.
You should know that when the Zulong ship returned that day, it had triggered a bloody battle for several months. The beaches along the Nanhuang Sea were dyed red with blood. When Xiao Chen returned a few months later, there were still people fighting fiercely at the seaside. Dragon Island has the power of the forbidden God, the older generation of masters dare not land in person, but there is no such restriction on the ruins of the Southern Wilderness Tianshen Palace, which attracts many masters to rush away at the first time. Of course, it can attract some old people to run away. "Tenjin remains are also the main reason, and perhaps there are surprising discoveries in the ruins." Let's go and join in the fun. We'll just follow behind. You're watching the play, not participating. Almost all the younger generation in the city of the Emperor of Heaven had gone, and Xiao Chen had no reason not to go. He believed that many wonderful things would happen. Target, deep in the southern wilderness! There is no need to ask people, and there are obvious traces left on the road in that direction. In the vast southern wilderness, there are millions of mountains, trees and wolf forests, towering ancient trees blocking the sun, apes crying and tigers roaring, all kinds of ferocious beasts running amuck, and there are many alien species of heaven and earth, prehistoric ancient beasts. Xiao Chen walked slowly in the primeval mountains. At the beginning, he did not spread out the wings of the immortal sky to fight against the sky. Because he didn't want to fight for the two young holy beasts that were likely to be the descendants of the "gods", which would kill people! The battle of the dragon king, bloody battle for several months, until all sides recognized the final ownership to calm down, the two young heaven and earth alien holy beast is absolutely not simply able to decide the ownership, at least a few big forces in the southern wilderness to send people to compete, with Xiao Chen's current strength can not shake them at all. It went very well. Along the way did not encounter any accidents, Xiao Chen sometimes flying, sometimes walking in the mountains, a few days later into the depths of the wilderness. Of course. The so-called "depth" is relatively speaking,ultrasonic handheld welder, only two thousand miles away from Tiandi City, it is impossible to really enter the legendary forbidden zone, no one dares to really enter the deepest part of the southern wilderness!.

Reply Edited on 08/23/2022 03:57 AM.


92, male


Posts: 8

After the failure of angrily brushing good feelings

from Richard236 on 08/23/2022 03:54 AM

In the blink of an eye, Wen Jiu did not even see the footsteps of the two men, so nervous that his fingers clenched the bottle cap and tightened it more and more. Song Jiajiu knew that Zhou Xu would be very soon. Everyone thought that with his speed, he would rush into the basket with the ball, but he didn't expect it. Song Jiajiu made a sudden stop. Sure enough, Zhou Xusu judged his intention and he wanted to shoot. Zhou Jixu stretched out his hand to try to block the shot. Song Jiajiu made a false shake and took off after the fake action. Zhou Jixu made the same action. Really, too understand. "So high!" Suddenly, the girl behind covered her mouth. Wen Jiu saw that she had half a second to recall that Song Jiajiu said what his touch height data was, two equal heights, he leaned back at the highest point, his wrist folded, and his textbook jump shot posture. Landing. - "swish", hollow into the basket, whistle, the game is over. Zhou Xu looked at his posture and knew there was one, so he smiled easily without looking back. "You win once." Song Jiajiu pursed the corners of his mouth, and the two of them returned to the sidelines as if nothing had happened. The fans were reveling, and so were the players, pulling their clothes in a mess, and the ribbons fell from the ceiling. As soon as Wen Jiu grabbed his hair, his ears and nose were hung up again. Song Jiajiu was talking to Kong Donghe and took it down for her. Wen Jiu, like an ordinary staff member, threw the drink over and then the towel. Finally, when they stopped talking, she bit her lip and mouthed, "Why don't you get ready?" He laughed and put on his baseball cap. This kind of excitement on the field was maintained until the MVP awards ceremony, and everyone knew it, so they gathered together and waited happily. The lights dimmed, and gradually, only a circle in the middle of the field was bright. Song Jiajiu stood there quietly,ultrasonic emulsifying machine, wearing a black and gold sportswear and a baseball cap covering half of his face. He listened quietly to the host reading his amazing data. Very handsome, Wen Jiu's line of sight silently stays on his body, the ear fan cannot stop shouting "NJ". Passionate and adoring.

Reply Edited on 08/23/2022 03:54 AM.

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