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32, male


Posts: 2

Re: Project Management

from pavanbitsphs on 10/11/2022 12:55 PM

The phrase change review board (also known by the acronym CCB) refers to any group of individuals within a project team or project group who are responsible for making the ultimate decision as to when and if any particular changes are to be made in regards to work products or schedule events. The process in which the Change Control Board determines when and if a series of changes should be made is two fold in PMP vs MBA First, the Change Control Board needs to review and study the impact of the proposed changes on the items in question, and then, after making that evaluation, the Change Control Board can then either approve the changes, reject the changes, or, in some cases, request more information or postpone the decision pending some other occurrences to take place that would factor into their ultimate choice

Reply Edited on 10/11/2022 12:56 PM.


32, male


Posts: 2

Project Management

from pavanbitsphs on 10/07/2022 07:15 AM

During the development of the scope management plan, a stakeholder requests the addition of pilot technology into the project scope to assist with product marketing. What should the project manager do?


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