The birth of tragedy

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92, Männlich


Beiträge: 8

The birth of tragedy

von Richard236 am 23.08.2022 04:00

Since the Apollo impulse is a compulsive impulse to create hallucinations, it has an irrational nature. Some people think that the sun God symbolizes reason, which is a misunderstanding. In fact, Nietzsche criticized Euripides' principle of "understanding and then beauty" in The Birth of Tragedy, accusing him of replacing Apollo's intuition with calm thinking, which has drawn a clear line with this misunderstanding. We should remember that Nietzsche always regarded reason as the power to kill instinct, and condemned the rational philosophy of Socrates and Plato for killing the artistic instinct of the Greeks, including the Dionysian impulse and the Apollo impulse. Dionysus symbolizes the indulgence of emotions. Nietzsche said that the Dionysian state is "the excitement of the whole emotional system" and "the total stimulation and release of emotions" (The Twilight of Idols: The Wanderings of an Untimely Man, Section 10); in the Dionysian state, art dominates people "as a driving force towards indulgence" (The Will to Power, Section 798). However, Dionysian emotion is not a general emotion, but a tragic emotion with metaphysical depth. The symbol of Dionysus comes from the Greek Dionysian cult, in which people break all taboos, get drunk and indulge their sexual desires. Nietzsche believes that this is to pursue an experience of removing the bondage of individualization and returning to the original nature. For the individual, the disintegration of the individual is the highest pain, but this pain removes the source of all pain and achieves the highest joy of integration with the world itself. Therefore, the Dionysian state is a state of madness in which pain and ecstasy are intertwined. Drunkenness is the Dionysian state of everyday life. In art,bottle blowing machine, music is pure Dionysian art. Tragedy and lyric poetry seek the form of the sun God, but in essence, they are also Dionysian art and the expression of the world's ontological emotions. In a word, both Apollo and Dionysus are rooted in the deepest instinct of human beings. The former is the impulse of individual people to affirm themselves through the illusion of appearance, while the latter is the impulse of individual people to deny themselves and return to the world itself. In a sense, the relationship between the two is similar to Freud's life instinct and death instinct, which belong to the field of irrationality. Section 2: Art Metaphysics 2. Metaphysics of Art Nietzsche often talks about "aesthetic metaphysics", "metaphysics of art", "metaphysics of artists" and "art in a deep and broad metaphysical sense", PET blow moulding machine ,Edible oil filling machine, which endows art with metaphysical significance. The metaphysics of art can be expressed by two interrelated propositions: "Only as an aesthetic phenomenon can life and the world appear to have sufficient reasons." (The Birth of Tragedy, Section 24) "Art is the highest mission of life and the original metaphysical activity of life." (Preface to The Birth of Tragedy) The metaphysics of art is based on the fact that life and the world lack metaphysical significance. According to Schopenhauer, the world is a blind will, and life is a phenomenon of this will, both of which are meaningless. He came to a pessimistic conclusion that denied the world and life. Nietzsche admits that the world and life are meaningless, but he is not willing to be pessimistic and world-weary. In order to affirm the world and life, he resorts to art. The metaphysics of art consists of the spirit of Apollo and the spirit of Dionysus. Apollo and Dionysus, as the two saviors of life, appeared on the stage of Nietzsche's aesthetics. The spirit of Apollo teaches people to stay in appearance and not to pursue the truth of the world and life. This involves an important idea of Nietzsche, that is, the opposition between art and truth. Plato has long put forward the idea that art is opposed to truth, but his standpoint is opposite to Nietzsche's. He believes that the world of ideas is the real world and the truth; the real world is only its shadow and imitation; and art is the shadow of the shadow and the imitation of the imitation. So he used truth against art. Nietzsche denies the existence of the world of ideas. He believes that there is only one world, that is, the real world in which we live, which is eternal generation and change. The world is cruel and meaningless to people, so pessimism is the truth. However, truth is not the highest standard of value, and art is more valuable than truth. In order to survive, we need to cover up some terrible truths with artistic "lies". Truth is ugly. We have art, and by it we are not destroyed by truth. (The Will to Power, Section 822) This is the "metaphysical beautification purpose" of art (The Birth of Tragedy, Section 24).
Thus, from the perspective of the spirit of Apollo, the metaphysical significance of art lies in its value to life. Art metaphysics is essentially a kind of value metaphysics. However, this is only one aspect of the metaphysics of art. Metaphysics is to trace back to the source and question the noumenon, but it is contrary to the original meaning of metaphysics if it only stays in the appearance. Therefore, a more important aspect of art metaphysics is the spirit of Dionysus. Section 3: Tragic World View III. Tragic World Outlook The spirit of Apollo indulges in the illusion of appearance and opposes the pursuit of the noumenon, while the spirit of Dionysus wants to get rid of the illusion of appearance and communicate with the noumenon. The former covers the tragic face of life with the veil of beauty, while the latter lifts the veil and looks directly at the tragedy of life. The former teaches people not to give up the joy of life, and the latter teaches people not to avoid the pain of life; The former is infatuated with the moment,liquid bottle filling machine, while the latter yearns for eternity. Compared with the spirit of Apollo, the spirit of Dionysus is more metaphysical and full of tragic color. Once the illusion of appearance is broken, the world and life reveal the terrible truth. How to affirm life again? This is the problem that the Dionysian spirit wants to solve.

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